Use "she has seen better days|she have see better day" in a sentence

1. She gets better.

2. Canadian manufacturer Bombardier has seen better days than where it finds itself now

3. She better have that thing in her purse.

4. " I like these days better,'she said but her voice was tremulous.

5. Board's cooked, and I'm guessing the antenna array up top has seen better days.

6. She blunted out that she was better.

7. #Creaking][falling apart][falling down][scratty][seen better days][manky][minging

8. She better support me on this.

9. In the middle of nowhere stands a crumbling Antebellum mansion - a Bordello that has seen better days

10. This Cauldron, however, has seen better days and now only serves a purpose as an ornamental piece

11. She likes my berries better anyway.

12. Blight The feeling, when walking through a part of town, that this neighborhood has seen better days

13. Better have no war for a thousand days than slacken your vigilance for one day.

14. When she applied its counsel, she became a better wife.

15. She looks as if her soul have get the better of her.

16. She seemed better until her set back.

17. She deserved better than these clandestine meetings.

18. She will be better by and by.

19. She said you'd be better off dead.

20. 🔊 Lily is strictly Adherent to the Paleo Diet, and she says she is feeling better than she has in her

21. She stammers that she could be a geisha again, or better, she could die.

22. Castanets Lyrics: She plays Castanets, she works without a net / I like her better when she walks away / She said she was mine, she told me twice / I like her better when she walks away / Yeah, I

23. Haltingly she stammers that she could be a geisha again, or better , she could die.

24. She looks loads better with her new haircut.

25. Bacquet’s pays better-than-average wages, she said

26. She is far and away the better actress.

27. She thought it better to mute her criticism.

28. On my better days.

29. They're here, getting better and better every day.

30. She has lobbied for a better image of Africa in France since the 1970s.

31. She keeps herself to herself. All things considered, she would be better married.

32. She was only given a placebo, but she claimed she got better - that's the placebo effect.

33. These figures, she thinks, have allowed environmentalists to protect Belize's threatened mangrove forests better.

34. She craned her neck to get a better view.

35. I'd be better off if she had died out -

36. The better the day, the better the deed. 

37. She reasoned: “I am no better than anyone else.

38. 3 There's nothing she likes better than to reminisce about the days when my ... my father was a boy.

39. Every day gets better.

40. The better the day( ), the better the deed. 

41. 17 She craned her neck to get a better view.

42. This girl thinks she knows better than the town elders.

43. She speak with the abruptness of a person whose feelings have get the better of her.

44. Avesta keeps getting better day by day

45. I can't stand Mary. She always on airs arse she thinks she's better than everybody else.

46. See predominant Allergens and allergy forecast discussion to better prepare for next day.

47. 21 She must have seen my perplexity.

48. Linda, however, was a trained laboratory technician, and she knew better!

49. As she got to know people better her shyness wore off.

50. She heard that birth control pills can make her feel better.

51. Well, she knew better than to keep contraband in her bunk.

52. She felt better and the psychiatrist took her off drug therapy.

53. She said loyally, You were always better looking than you photographed.

54. Day by day Jeffrey began to feel better.

55. And I have seen you ignore your counselors... because there was a better choice.

56. I'd better see about dinner.

57. He or she may have good days and bad days .

58. None preaches better than the ant, and she says nothing.sentencedict .com 

59. Hanson said perhaps she had better go back home for a while.

60. Arrogances ( uncountable ) Arrogance is an attitude that someone may have that he/she is better than other people

61. Better that, she thought resignedly, than making a complete fool of herself.

62. She should know better than to poke the animal with her umbrella.

63. She reminds me of marionettes I have seen.

64. You should have seen her - she was furious!

65. Annalize calls her mother because she can no longer blame Nate, and when Ophelia arrives, she makes her feel better, even though they have arguments

66. He suspected she could have wished for nothing better than to have him confined to bed and reliant on her care.

67. Anticipation of happy days is sometimes much better than those days.

68. She asked her boss whether she could have the day off.

69. Giving him a foolish little wave, she decided she'd better return the chisel before she forgot all about it.

70. There are better days in store for you.

71. Things didn't go much better with Roddy Llewellyn, a landscape gardener she met when he was 25 and she

72. Serena is an Artistically gifted child; she can draw better than most adults

73. She walked Barefooted as a beggar to better associate herself with the poor.

74. She felt like slapping him in the face, but thought better of it.

75. But Oma thinks she knows better, and she's taken her licks for it.

76. You better tell your friend to be careful who she calls a monster.

77. She had better not put on airs with me. I won't like it.

78. She has eaten nothing this livelong day.

79. Using them, she mixes the cosmetics she has chosen for the day.

80. I better spend the whole day training.